Motion Release is based in the UK as part of Sloane Psychology ltd but our team can travel to different locations around the world to deliver our workshops at your company premises or in other suitable places. To date, Motion Release workshops have been offered in the UK, in France, in Italy and in Greece.

#Motion Release Training


Motion Release Training Workshops 1
#Motion Release Training
Self expression,
self confidence, resilience
Reconnecting with our vitality and joy

Workshop Details

MRT: A 6-week Motion Release Training programme for emotional wellness


This is a six-week mind and body intervention for groups of 8 to 14 participants. The group meets weekly for 2-hour sessions that are based on the integration of psychology and dance/movement therapy.


MRT is designed to help participants

  • To learn and creatively practice emotion regulation skills
  • To express themselves through movement
  • To process and explore current emotional difficulties
  • To build their confidence through embodied exercises and by interacting with other members of the group
  • To develop their resilience


During the program, participants practice the skills in and out of the group and keep a reflective journal. Upon completion of the program, they attend an individual session in order to consolidate the newly acquired skills and to devise a plan of how these can be implemented in their everyday life.


Prior to starting the MRT six-week training programme, participants attend a one-to-one session in order for their readiness and commitment to engage with the programme is assessed.

Parmi les différents interventions qui ont lieu sur le projet jeune, celle de la Motion Release est sans nul doute une de celles qui a le plus marqué nos jeunes. Par la méthode suivie, et la succession des différentes séquences, les jeunes se trouvent être mis suffisamment en confiance pour arriver à extérioriser tous ce qu'ils ont pu accumuler au cours des épreuves traversées dans leur vie. D'autre part, au travers des ateliers qui se succèdent dans le cadre de la Motion Release, la maitrise des émotions est sans nul doute un des éléments essentiel. Cette apprentissage dans la maitrise de leur émotion, leur permet de mieux appréhender la relation avec les clients mais aussi avec leurs collègues : c'est sans nul doute un plus important, dans leur formation. Dr Grigoriou est une personne solaire, sachant parfaitement, par sa qualité d'écoute et de bienveillance, mettre en total confiance des jeunes qui ont justement besoin de se sentir écoutés et en confiance.

Jean Jacques SALAÜN / Directeur Général - Zara

Our team attended a Motion Release workshop for building resilience. Dancing and music were always my favourite stress-free weapons but I have never thought of them as a power of building resilience. Bouncing back and moving forward is not only the motto but the secret as well. Combining the powers of free dance and movement, music and psychology with other experiential exercises and group discussions this workshop focuses on the expression of our needs and powers and furthermore leads us to an inner and outer communication, team connection and discovery of personal boundaries. We breathe, listen, think, feel, dance and experiment and get out more powered and relieved. It's a trip from the "inside" to the "outside" and backwards and the only ticket you need is your willingness to explore you!

Fay Efthimiou / Editorial Director Forma Magazine &

I found motion release such a powerful and life changing experience. For many years I have been disconnected from my body and have tended to think about my feelings rather than fully experience them. This has led to a range of psychosomatic symptoms, muscular tension, headaches and stomach pain. Motion release connected me with myself in a novel and unexpected way. Through a series of exercises I could dance the joy and the pain and get unstuck from a place of intellectual understanding to a true awareness of the whole self and all the influences that have made me who I am. I recommend motion release to anyone who wishes to understands themselves better, to laugh and cry and feel fully alive in a way we rarely do in everyday life. For me it has resulted in a truly unique opportunity for personal development. Tina is a very gifted facilitator who makes you feel instantly safe and at ease - her skills in blending dance therapy theory with a robust psychological understanding of the person makes the experience of this workshop truly special. I highly recommend it.

Dr Elena Touroni / Consultant Psychologist

Motion Release workshops have been transformative for our team and we have been so impressed that we have now incorporated these into the service we offer our clients as well. Dr Grigoriou is highly professional and every aspect of the service she offers is exceptional from the planning and liaison prior to the workshops through to the manner in which she manages the workshops themselves - she is diligent, expert and very kind. Everyone has benefitted from the service she provides and her input has led to a greater sense of cohesion in our team as well as an increased appreciation of our service from our clients.

Dr Tom Pennybacker / Director of the Chelsea Psychology Clinic

Through Motion Release I learned to better connect with my guiding core one moment at a time. Through guidance and encouragement I was opened up to the possibility of how finding my own rhythm can connect me to a deeper understanding of my inner workings.

Angela / Artist

I was so impressed with the motion release workshop and the amazing way of how motion, dance, mindfulness and thoughts are coming together. We could reproduce feelings with movement and this helped us any possible negative feelings rather than bottling them up. It was also important to do this as a group as we could sense the attitude of each person toward a situation. It’s a great relief, a significant ‘self investement’ as it makes you think and come into terms with your inner self.

Julia Grapsa, MD, PhD / Consultant Cardiologist

I have worked with Tina on a number of occasions and I have participated in several groups that she has ran using the Motion Release method. Tina's energy, empathy, intuition, excellent communication skills and extensive psychological knowledge enable participants to feel at ease, safe and explore, reflect and challenge themselves in a different way; using their bodies and movement. The Motion Release method is powerful and transformative as it allows participants to gain awareness and develop through movement and the relationship with one's body.

Ella / Psychologist

I attended two of Tina’s ‘motion release’ classes at an Italian retreat In the Dolomites in the Autumn of 2018. Attending was a transformative and truly ‘life changing’ few hours for me, and upon returning to the UK I made some far-reaching changes to my way of thinking and engaging with the world, and am still feeling the benefits to this day. I give Tina the credit for this as she created the conditions for me to access feelings and emotions that were hidden for many years. She is a gifted therapist and teacher - she has the rare ability to connect with people on a deep, almost subconscious level - and she provides a safe, open environment for participants to get the most out of the sessions - free from fear and any sense of judgement - allowing complete self-expression, healing and ultimately change. I cannot recommend Tina or her methods highly enough to be honest. She will change your life!

Lynne / Secretary